A spark of alchemy
for the authentic self.

Clare of the Solstice

weaves an alchemical tapestry of magical experiences, fembodied offerings, and empowering journeys to reawaken the unadulterated realness within you.

~Magical experiences rooted in ancient practices of movement, vibration, and ritual to get your energy grounded, moving, and reverent.

~Fembodied offerings driven by divine archetypes to heal your womb wounds and connect you to source.

~Empowering journeys wrapped in radical authenticity to unleash your truest essence, so you can show up as your fullest self.

A spark needs
flint and stone
to catch fire.

Magical experiences rooted
in Ritual, Vibration, and Movement

: re-ignite ancient goddess worship practices :

: restore the divine feminine :

: heal the wounds of the patriarchy :

Enter the temple of the goddess under a dark autumnal moon, where we will invoke the great Kali, mother of death and destruction, and bringer of life. In this ritual gathering, we will release all that is no longer serving us so that it may be transmuted and integrated into our highest selves. Through mantra meditation, sound healing, introspective journaling, sacred cleansing, an offering ceremony, and a fire ritual, may we surrender to the will of Kali and be reborn as our fully liberated soul selves.

*Temple of the Goddess Moon Circles are open to cis and trans women, as well as individuals identifying as non-binary. Anyone who connects with the feminine spirit on an embodied level is welcome with a warm embrace. If your intuition is guiding you down the sacred womb path, then these circles will fuel the feminine fire within you.

Temple opens at 6:45pm
Circle at 7:00pm


: dissolve the walls of your conscious mind :

: tune in to your own frequency :

: access deep insights hidden within :

Join me on this monthly journey to secret locations around Austin where we will bathe in a moonlit soundscape. Be held by a sonic tapestry of gongs, singing bowls, drums, chimes, and ethereal vocals, woven seamlessly with the natural rhythm of our city.

*For a more comfortable experience, consider bringing a blanket and/or yoga mat, water, and comfy shoes for traversing

Donations are greatly appreciated


: primally connect with your body :

: playfully liberate inner truths :

: re-set your system with movement :

Join me every third Wednesday for a movement journey that will fuel your embodiment and settle your soul,
so you can move through the rest of your week with rooted abundance.

Doors at 6:45pm
Warm-up at 7pm
Tickets sold at the door


Fembodied Offerings
driven by divine archetypes

Welcome to the Red Temple Podcast where we talk about the magic of our menstrual cycle and traverse this embodied feminine spiritual path together in sacred sisterhood.

The Blood Sisters of the Red Temple Menstrual Art Exhibit

The Blood Sisters of the Red Temple Menstrual Art Exhibit

“I am a wild willful woman. I feel all my feelings on my skin. Easy to rapture, hard to tame, and always something brewing within.”

- Clare of the Solstice

Empowering journeys wrapped in radical authenticity

Vocal Embodiment

Awaken your voice with movement, chanting, affirmations, and ritual!

Vocal embodiment workshops are a collective journey mimicking a sound wave, beginning with silent introspection, building to a cathartic release, and settling into your authentic vibration.

By tapping into the healing power of your unique voice, you cultivate a deeper connection with your soul. This inner work paves the way for unconditional self-acceptance, unbridled confidence, and a liberated sense of self.

This workshop is not technical or performative; it serves as a pathway for personal growth and transformation.

Alchemical Styling

Unleash and express your truest essence with an alchemical styling guide!

A one-on-one styling consultation is an intimate journey beginning with an in-person interview, followed by a guided trip to your closet, and ending with a shopping excursion.

By donning attire that makes you feel most alive, you become the fullest expression of your truest self. This outer work reconnects you with your inner child, elevates your feelings of self-worth, and playfully invites a dash of zeal into everyday life.

This consultation is not about following fashion trends; it is a vehicle for intentional expression and unabashed realness.

Take this short survey to see if alchemical styling is right for you!

“I’m Here for compassionate evolution. Growth is just a part of the game. I’m Ready for the upgrade; A collective ascension. It’s time to rise from the cave.”

- Clare of the Solstice

Sincere testimonies from empowered souls…


“a beautiful celestial experience...the dance was amazing. Thank you Clare.”


“Profound; it was Transcendent.”


“You really know how to hold space.”



Music is vibration organized into a structural pattern; much like our own DNA. Like any other sound healing modality, it has the ability to transport us. It invites us on a journey, one where we can be both the listener and the dancer, bringing our own experience along for the ride. Here is a rotating offering of music that is inspired by my own healing journey.

“In the beginning we’re all only nothing til we’re called. And in the ending we fall back into nothing after all.
The light only guides us in between.”

— Clare of the Solstice

Clare Fracassi

Clare is a vibe-centric, womb-led alchemist.

A curator of elevated odysseys rooted in ancient practices, driven by divine
archetypes, wrapped in radical authenticity, and sparked by her own healing.

She is here to take up space, to hold space, and to make space
for others’ authenticity.

Clare has held sacred circles for others to connect with their divinity in solidarity and ritual for over 3 years. Her quest for uncovering ancient wisdom, honoring it as a vehicle for collective ascension, and sanctifying her gatherings with ancestral reverence, is fueled by the innate knowing that…we are all born from the womb of this great Earth, full of divinity and worthy of worship.

We only need to remember ourselves, in order to realize ourselves.

Clare’s calling to show up with grandiose presence, as a fire in full bloom, ignites others to rekindle their kinship with their deepest selves, so they may remember that they are liberated sovereign beings, embodying this physical form for a short time, and they are worthy of shining as the bright unique soul that they are.

The sacred path to Clare’s center, where she sines the brightest, is through dance. Ecstatic dance has fueled her embodiment for over 12 years; for her, dance is meditation through movement. Creating soundscapes for others to playfully connect with their truest selves is a shamanic practice this is sparked by her own source connection journey.

Dancing on her path as it unfolds before her, Clare sees life as an intricate web of interconnected cycles moving forward through time, creating cycling spirals that never repeat and never end, echoing the golden ratio of our galaxy. This never-ending expansion mimics Clare’s own shadow work. As she dove deeper into herself she experienced an uncontainable outward expansion leading her to her next vibrational vocation, sound healing.

For over 2 years, Clare has channeled the ancient art of sound healing to help others deconstruct their own narratives, reprogram their neural pathways, and intertwine their vibe with the frequencies of her instruments, punctuating the experience with positive affirmations and ethereal vocals.

She is a modern-day bard, summoning songspells to shed light on our shadow selves, so they may be loved, transmuted, and integrated.

With a thirst for finding magic in the mundane and approaching life with unabashed originality, she playfully merges sacred rites with everyday conscious humaning. She wears this intention like a ceremonial robe, and accessorizes her life with jewels of radical self-acceptance, presence, and zeal. Her sense of style is an outward expression of this intention, and she delights in creating a world where we wear what we feel.

Clare believes that healing is a spiral designed to unfold at its own pace. As we move through our healing process together, incubated in this collective cocoon, she is grateful to be “a spark of alchemy for the authentic self” within our global transformation.

Ride the vibe. Heal the tribe.